Sunday, October 3, 2021

Conquering the Pitfalls of Life: Moving from a State of Stuck to Unstuck

I know that life has been a relay race for so many of you. However, in the midst of and along the highways and byways of the race, I hope that you have been able to stay the course. And if not, that's okay too. There IS a light at the end of the tunnel! The great news about your life’s course is that you can altar that course along the way, in the midst of the detours, roadblocks, barriers, falls, pitfalls, falters, and failures. The course can only remain dark for so long. 


Life will not always be a bed of roses. And often times when there are roses, there are also thorns. You must decide if you would like to be stuck by the thorns of roses for a short time or remain stuck in the darkness for a lifetime. One thing about thorns is that they are everywhere in life, but you have the opportunity and the choice of continuously being stuck or moving to a place of being unstuck. Being stuck in any manner comes with a measure of pain. Although there is hurt with pain, pain can also allow and promote growth. But before you can grow, you must release yourself from a state of being stuck.


Being stuck is the state of being pushed or locked into a place that does not seem to have any space or room for movement or to exit. I am sure that you have often heard people talk about being in a state of stuck and they refer to it in various ways. They will often state that they are ‘stuck between a rock and a hard place.’ The metaphor of being stuck between two hard and solid entities that are often seen as immovable objects can be a seemingly difficult and daunting situation. However, if you continue to not see a way out of the situation, the circumstance, or your condition, although you found a way into the situation, circumstance, or condition, you will remain in a state of being stuck. 


Some of you have seen yourselves ‘stuck on a limb or hanging on by a thread.’ You felt stuck, unable to move for fear of falling. However, at some point you must get off the limb and let go of the thread and grab the rope that’s been dangling right next to the limb all along, making sure that you reach beyond the break. As long as you hold onto your stuck status, you will remain stuck. 


Quicksand is a state of being genuinely stuck. Even in quicksand, with a helpline, you can be pulled from, removed from, and rescued from your stuck status. Your belief system has a profound impact on the actions that you take in any situation. As long as you believe in yourself, and you believe that you can do whatever you set your mind to do, you will be successful, including getting out a state of being stuck.


I am sure that there are times you have felt stuck in many ways, such as being stuck in a dead-in job, stuck in a bad situation (calling it a relationship), stuck in or with a condition, stuck with the wrong friend/people, etc. Guess what? Although the situation and/or circumstance seems very sticky and there doesn’t seem to be anyway out, just as you can maneuver and work to remove gum that is stuck on your shoe, with a plan of action, hard work, consistent and persistent maneuvering, you will eventually move from a state of being stuck to a state and place of being unstuck. Believing in your right to be free, and believing in your right to gain another chance at life will make it much more plausible for you to be able to take stock of your situation, circumstance, and/or condition, in order to move from a state of denial to a state of action. Once you are ready to take action and do something different, you will be able to develop a realistic and attainable plan of action to free yourself from your stuck state.


Although it probably took little or no time for you to become stuck in a situation or circumstance, becoming unstuck is a process, not an event. You must first recognize and gain a sense of awareness about your state of stuck. Decide what areas have you found yourself stuck. How did you get to the place of being stuck? How long have you been there? Once you have gained a sense of awareness about your state of stuck, your perspective and perception about your state of being stuck becomes one of the most paramount steps in helping you to become unstuck. How you see your situation, circumstance, and/or condition, as well as what you think and feel about it will affect your belief as to whether you are stuck, as well as the depths of your state of stuck. It will also determine whether you are stuck for a period of time or for a lifetime. Your belief will also help you to admit that you are stuck.  


Your perception and your perspective regarding your situation, circumstance, and/or condition will determine what you believe about your ability to overcome the pitfalls of life in order to move from darkness to light and then become unstuck. In order for you to rise up and out of the darkness of being stuck, you must start believing that you can see and enter the light of no longer being stuck, no matter how things might seem within you and around you. You must also believe that you deserve to not only see the light, but that you also deserve to live in the light. However, if you believe that you are stuck in the darkness and can’t or won’t make efforts to find the light switch to help you enlighten your way out of darkness, it will be quite difficult for you to behold the light, even as it is shining all around you. As a result, you will remain stuck! Therefore, you must give yourself permission acknowledge the truth regarding your perceptions and your perspectives as you gain patience in moving through the process of you no longer being stuck in mind, body, or spirit, based on your situation, your circumstance, and/or condition, with or without other people.


You must want to become unstuck and you must be willing to let go of the situations, circumstances, conditions, people, habits, fears, and locations that have contributed to your continued state of being stuck. Whether you want to admit it or not, some of you have become accustomed being stuck; you are comfortable being in your stuck bed. Also, some of you don’t want to put forth the energy, the actions, and the work that will allow you to finally be free. It’s time to stop making excuses, move beyond your fears, and do what’s necessary for you to claim or reclaim you state of being unstuck!


Once you have been able to clarify and clearly identify and state your perspective and perception about your state of being stuck and you have freely given yourself permission to advance through the continued process of being unstuck, you must then move to identify and document your purpose and your position in moving from a state of stuck to unstuck. If you cannot succinctly identify and document why you desire to finally become unstuck, after having been in the darkness of stuck for so long, the task will be much more difficult for you. There must be a reason for your journey upward and out of the valleys in which you have been traversing for sometime, in order for you to finally reach your mountaintop. Your purpose cannot be fully recognized and documented until you engage in a process of communication and meditation with yourself, in order for you to begin to see the light and understand where you have been, where you are, as well as where you are going after you become unstuck. 


Without purpose, you will have difficulty developing a plan of action encompassing the necessary steps and timeline for you to catapult yourself out of the darkness and valleys of stuck into the light and on top of the hills of unstuck. You can do it; yes you can! Your action plan for escaping your state of stuck must include goals, action steps, as well as the resources, human, material, financial, or other resources that you will need, in order for you to put your plan to become unstuck into action. It is also important to ensure that your plan to become unstuck fits the situation, circumstance, and/or condition, in which you believe and feel you are stuck. Your plan must also include a timeline for accomplishing the goals of your unstuck plan. You are ready and you are on your way to “Conquering the Pitfalls of Life by Moving form a State of Stuck to Unstuck.”


As you prepare to move from your state of stuck to becoming unstuck, think of yourself as a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. You, too, will engage in chrysalis as you experience a metamorphosis, transforming to a higher state of being—being unstuck. Get ready for the transformation from your negative situations, circumstances, and/or conditions. Get ready to see your pitfalls as pull ups. As the butterfly doesn’t allow itself to be stuck in the state of being a caterpillar crawling on its belly, you will also pick yourself up and move from the state of being down to moving up. It is time for you to spread your wings and recognize your freedom as a powerful human being. The rock is gone and so too is the hard place in which you felt caught between.


There is truly a light at the end of every tunnel you face in life. You might see nothing but darkness and you might feel stuck as you manage the process to maneuver your way from a state of being stuck to a place of being unstuck. Just hold onto the broken pieces of your life and reach beyond the break of the life ropes that have been stripped and frayed, as you pull yourself up and out. It can happen and it will happen. You can do it!


It's time for you to decide to transform, transfer, and transition from your state of stuck to a new state of unstuck by freeing yourself from any and all situations, circumstances, and/or conditions in your life. Whatever and whomever in your life that no longer fits in your life is eradicated and erased. Pray and reach beyond the break. Reach up to God and accept His mighty hands that can pull you up and out of your situation, circumstance, and/or circumstance of stuck. You are no longer stuck! You are free to be; you are free to be you! Get up, stand up, and spread your wings; you are no longer stuck! Butterfly, take your wings; show your beauty, show your boldness, and show that you are unstuck…YOU Are FREE TO FLY!!! 


©2021; J. Morley Productions, Inc.; P.O. Box 1745; Decatur, GA 30031; (770) 808-6570;

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