Saturday, August 31, 2019

Being a Single Parent is Not a Crime

So you’re all alone, without a partner, and you have one or more children. You’re not married,; you have never been married or you are divorced and there doesn’t seem to be the possibility of a potential mate on the horizon for you to eventually link with and tie the knot, for the first time or once again. 

Society has for far too long made single parents feel as if they are criminals, especially single mothers. The children of single parents have been considered troublemakers, social deviants, and delinquents, especially if there is no father in the home. There has been pity, empathy, and sometimes anger toward women who are single parents. And those women who continue to birth babies without being married, have a hard road to travel in the eyes of society. There has also been much criticism of these women, especially if they are women of color, who struggle to be financially self-sufficient.

It has been a long held fallacy that children coming out of single-parent households, those with only a mother in the home, and more specifically those form African-American families are prone to failure, destruction, and pose a threat to society. Single mothers are many times told that they cannot rear their young sons to be men. And that’s not what they should be doing; they should be rearing them and preparing them to be strong, positive, and successful contributors to and in society, as they allow positive male role models to help mold their sons into strong, positive, and healthy men. Mothers can most certainly help teach their sons how to treat and respect females as boys and as men, and they can prepare them to be the type of man suitable for marriage and procreating.

The reality is that there are many children, male and female, who emanated from single parent homes, which have become successful and positive contributors to society as a whole. They have contributed to and continue to contribute to the healthcare and medical industry, the field of education, athletics, the arts, the financial industry, the clothing industry, etc. 

Ironically, unmarried men who father children are seen as freely expressing their sexual prowess, sowing their wild oats, boasting their manhood, as well as their machismo. They are hailed and praised for making baby after baby. They are revered as great guys, with their power being in their penis. Their power is also in the number of babies they can produce. And sadly, too many of these men are not taking care of the many children that they help to create. And although many of these men are making many babies, they are rarely single parents; they can walk away at any time, without regret or consequences, whether single or divorced. Now, there are some men who elect to rear their children alone or are forced to do so by default. 

While women are denigrated for birthing baby after baby,they didn’t conceive them all by themselves And for the women who fit the role of the single parent, there are often negative names and many more negative acronyms associated with them, while men are praised and hailed as towers of strength. On the other hand, many of you as women, allow the fathers of your children to abate their responsibilities as fathers and they are not held accountable for their contribution to the conception of their children. Women who have the audacity to abandon their children are scorned, held responsible, and often thrown in jail.

Either way, America has frowned on singlehood, especially when it leads to single motherhood. However, it comes to bear that there are many married women who are still single parents. I am sure that many of you can identify with being in a marriage or a relationship of convenience, without having physical, spiritual, and financial support from your mate. You might be married or in a committed relationship, but as a parent, in all actuality, you are still a single parent. As a matter of fact, you might as well be a single parent; you are doing everything by yourself. You work, you bring home the bacon, put in the pan, cook it, take care of your children, meet with teachers, clean your house, pay bills, etc., etc., etc.; and where is your husband/wife? I would prefer having children living in healthy and positive single-parent households, rather than having them living in unhealthy two-parent households. However, due to much of the ignorance put forth by society regarding single parents, mothers without partners are often treated inferiorly. 

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, a disproportionate number of Black children under the age of 18 live in single parent households.  Only 38.7% of Black children live in two-parent households, as opposed to 74.3% of White children. Instead of single parenthood being considered a crime, it is time for each of us to realistically and honestly examine, develop, and engage in efforts to impact and rectify the economic, social, political, emotional, educational, and health disparities that exist for single parents and single-parent households. The crime isn’t in being a single parent n the United States; the crime is how single parents fair in an industrialized nation, by being at the bottom economically, socially, politically, emotionally, educationally, and health wise. And the greatest crime of being a single parent is that there is an administration that sees nothing wrong in the inequities presented to single parents. Single parents struggle and battle their have not status on a daily basis, as they come against those who have and seem to keep having.

And then there are many more two-parent households who are perpetrating a fraud of wholeness and happiness, when there is a cycle of misuse and abuse of the children, as well as misuse and abuse of their parents. Although these children and their mothers do not have everything they want and sometimes they don’t have everything they need, who’s to say that they don’t have one of the greatest things that can supplant lack…LOVE?! 

As a matter of fact, the single parent household rate in America has increased, even for Whites. There are privileged White woman who have come to realize that single parenthood doesn’t diminish the character, wisdom, knowledge, abilities, integrity, love, and over all value of single mothers or their children. As a matter of fact, these privileged White women have decided that they will now not only accept single parenthood, they will become single parents themselves. 

For the African-American woman, her expertise in single parenthood has span hundreds of years, from the plantation to her apartment. She watched her husband or mate be whipped, stolen, sold, and traded. She held the line through slavery as she carried and reared her children through acts of rape, disparity, cruelty, ignorance, racism, sexism, and many other isms. She weathered the public welfare system in the fifties and sixties as it became a crime for her to receive financial and other assistance if she had the father of her children in her home. She still fights the good fight as she fights a society in which she is the least respected and least protected, but she perseveres, as a woman and as a single parent.

“It is Not a Crime to be a Single Parent!” However, it should be a crime for single parents to be singled out and not supported. We never know who her children might become, because we don’t know who they are currently. There is a plan and a promise for the single mother, as there is a plan and a promise for her children. To ALL single parents; keep your head high, keep your heart lifted, keep praying, and keep believing! You are a strong presence! Neither you, nor your children are mistakes; God doesn’t make mistakes and  He doesn’t make junk! You are awesome!

 ©2019; J. Morley Productions, Inc.; P.O. Box 1745; Decatur, GA 30031; (770) 808-6570;

Saturday, August 3, 2019

My Heart is Too Small to Carry Anyone In It!

You probably wonder how in the world do some people walk around each and everyday of their lives with anger, pain, and malice toward others. Each day is filled with one big frown and they spend their time trying to ‘do someone in’ or ‘get back at someone,’ often without provocation or cause. These people are often very angry, lack forgiveness, and they live in misery on a daily basis. In all actuality, this has to be a miserable existence, but they don’t even recognize it; this is their norm and their reality!

If you are getting up on a daily basis, worried about what someone has done to you or said to you, while spending your days spewing words and actions of hatred because you can’t get past the hurt, and you can’t turn the page in your life book in order to move forward, you are not really living. Yes, you are getting up each and everyday, but just because you are breathing, it doesn’t mean that you are alive. The second syllabus of the word alive is live. To live doesn’t mean that you just exist; it means that you have life, you engage in lively things, and you love, and live. However, your hurt, your pain, your anger, your malice, and your hatred can’t and won’t allow you to live, and they most certainly won’t allow you to love!

It is hard for you or anyone else to live and love when you have a dark and heavy heart, full of hate and hurts from life’s hills and valleys. If you don’t experience hurts, you won’t be able to experience happiness. As long as you carry hurt, you won’t be able to accept genuine hugs full of love. In all honestly, those people you have allowed to beat you down, drag you about, stump on your heart, and render you hopelessly hurt and angry, will continue to pull you down and hold you down, figuratively and literally.  How do they accomplish this? They do it by living inside your heart and your head. They will squeeze the life and the love out of your heart, while playing tricks with your mind, but only if you allow them.

You should be sick and tired of being sick and tired of allowing people to take up space in your head and your heart, and they are not paying rent. Further, your heart is too small to carry anyone in it. Your heart is a part of your lifeline. Each beat of your heart is a beat of and for life, rendering you whole, happy, and free. Carrying people in your heart based on your unwillingness to forgive renders you helpless and hopeless, deferring and sometimes destroying your dreams. However, today is the day that you will decide to serve an eviction notice on the pain, the hurt, the anger, the malice, and the people who have been living rent-free in your head and in your heart! 

The good thing about life is recognizing that you have choices in your life. You have a choice as to whom you invite and whom you allow in your life, along with the thoughts you carry in your head, as well as the feelings you hold in your heart. When you come to recognize that you have had choices and you have had power over your life throughout your life, you will then come to see you and your life through a different pair of lenses. You will begin to embark upon ladders of forgiveness, roads showing different directions, as well as different life options that you were either too blind to behold or because you couldn’t behold them, due to the negativity you held within your mind and within your heart. 

You have your entire life ahead of you. The only way that you can fulfill your life’s purpose is for you to clean out and clean up you mind and your heart. You must develop a new attitude of hope, positive beliefs, and high expectations. You must clear all of the mess out of your head and your heart, in order for you to begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel of darkness, which you have been stumbling in and through for the majority of your life. You can dream again and you can live again. And if you have never truly lived, due to the blockages in your mind and your heart, it is time for you to do so. And yes, YOU CAN! And if you can’t free yourself completely, seek help from a mental health professional. 

In the meantime, there’re some things that you can do to help you to free your own mind and your own heart. The first thing you must do in order to free your mind and your heart of the hurt, the pain, and the people you have been carrying rent free for far too long, is to admit that what you have been carrying and still are carrying are liabilities and not assets. List them on a blank sheet of paper. Admit that they have been and still are hindrances and not helpful. Admit that they have been and still are blockages and stumbling blocks, instead of building blocks and steppingstones. And finally admit that all of the negative stuff and negative people that you have written on the paper are things and people that you have been and still are carrying. They have been a part of a destructive process, instead of a constructive process. 

Once you have identified and documented the hurt, the pain, and the negative people on a blank sheet of paper, orally speak forgiveness over the people on the list and forgiveness over yourself for the role you played in allowing these rent-free atrocities to enter your mind and your heart. Speak out loud that you are ‘LETTING GO’ of the hurt, the pain, the people, the mess, and the stress that have negatively occupied your mind and your heart. Orally and without shame declare your freedom, recognizing that your mind and your heart are too small to keep carrying the negativity; you are finally moving forward, you are moving on! 

Finally, take your pen and draw a huge ‘X’ across the list of hurt, pain, and negative people who have contributed to your life’s mess and stress. As a matter of fact, to ensure that you have not only given notice to the eviction, but have actually carried out the eviction of these negative elements that have been taking up space in your mind and your heart, you can draw several X’s across your list. Take the list and with both hands you can tear it into small piece or you can shred it in a shredder. The intent is to not only remove the negativity from your mind and your heart, it is to also shred it from your life. You will then take the torn or shredded remnants of your list and place them in a plastic bag, removing them from your sight and from your home, by placing them in a trashcan outside of your home. 

It’s all a matter of letting go and letting God. He can deal with those who have and continue to offend you, hurt and harm you. He can also rid your mind and your heart of the negative hurt and pain of your past. You have to want to be free and want to lift those burdens from within you. Until your mind and heart are free, you are not free. Your forgiveness of yourself, along with your forgiveness of others sets you free, free to be you and to live free. Take the opportunity to once again experience freedom in your mind and your heart or to experience freedom for the first time in your life, recognizing that, ‘Your Heart is Too Small to Carry Anyone In It!’ 

You are now free at last, free at last, thank God, you are finally free at last! Thank God for your newfound freedom. You are free to love again, free to live again, and free to dream again. Now go out and celebrate the freedom of your mind and your heart, deciding that from now on, you will only allow positive, asset-filled, and constructive people, and PPPGs (Positive People Going Places) in your heart. YES YOU CAN!

©2019; J. Morley Productions, Inc.; P.O. Box 1745; Decatur, GA 30031; (770) 808-6570;\